'Portal', with Alice dos Reis
Performance, 40’, 2020
at Sao Luiz Municipal Theatre
ALICE: We were visited recently. Something about the water changed, and it was immediately
perceptible. We noticed something materializing, first through the minerals in the planetary tap
water we drank, and then, dreams of crystals and animals guided by the stars. Everyday we
tasted new minerals, of such combined variations that we knew that at some stage, water would
become something else entirely, and it did. Another life became apparent to us. We learned that
all bodies of water are in fact non-bodies of water.
the text-message read:
bodies only serve the purpose of carrying water from point A to point B. when the body stops
carrying, it dies, that’s the use. but when you float, you’re hacking it: when water meets water the
vessel cracks.